Am Ploc peninsula, Torridon
© P.D.G. Meredith (Canon EOS1000F)

Am Ploc peninsula, Torridon

This picture shows the peninsula of Am Ploc. There is a single house, which is barely visible, located behind a shingle beach and looking west across Upper Loch Torridon and out to the island of Skye.

When the tide goes out, most of the area in the picture is exposed. An interesting feature can be seen across the nearest bay formed by the headland. Beneath the water lies a sandy beach, and crossing that beach can be made out a dark line. This line is a man-made dry stone wall. It was constructed at a time when fish were plentiful in the loch. At high tide, as at the moment, the wall is covered by several feet of water, but at low tide the water runs out. When the water level reaches the top of the wall, the outgoing tide can still pass through the dry stone wall, but any fish on the landward side of the wall are trapped. The local inhabitants can then descend onto the beach and collect their harvest. Unfortunately, in the present day there are very few fish to be caught, and it is rare for the wall to take any prisoners. However, when there are shoals of whitebait in the loch a good few buckets of these fish have been removed from the pools behind the wall with the aid of a fine meshed net.

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