© P.D.G. Meredith (Canon EOS1000F)
Beinn Alligin
Beinn Alligin is one of the most picturesque mountains in the highlands. With its great curved southern corrie, the unusual gash that might have been made by a rock giant's axe, and the ridge formed by the series of Horns, it has a variety which gives it a universal appeal. Its two main peaks Tom na Gruagaich (hill of the fair young person) and Sgurr Mhor (the big peak) are now both classified as Munros, reaching heights of 3024 ft and 3232 ft respectively.
For walkers there are a number of options, ranging from a total circumnavigation below 1800 ft, a distance of 8 miles, to a complete traversal of the ridge, including the Horns. A traversal of the Horns is considered comparable in difficulty, but different in style, to Helvellyn's Striding Edge.